Hunting Jackalope Arts in Pasadena By Jennifer Bentson First of all, What is a Jackalope?? A Jackalope is an American mythical creature combining a jackrabbit and antelope. The result is a jackrabbit with antlers. A Jackalope is the epitome of American Creativity and so is Jackalope Arts. Leaping lizards and jumping Jackalopes, there was quite… Continue reading Hunting Jackalope Arts in Pasadena
Category: Uncategorized
Hurrah! LA RAW – Natural Born Artists
HURRAH! LA RAW – Natural Born Artists By Jennifer Bentson Take those fingers off that hot cup of coffee! This is hotter, and has a bigger jolt. It’s RAW- Natural Born Artists. Trade in the barista for a hot band, cool lights, and sizzling new artists. Art of all forms surrounded you at the RAW… Continue reading Hurrah! LA RAW – Natural Born Artists