Jennifer Bentson

Hunting Jackalope Arts in Pasadena

Hunting Jackalope Arts in Pasadena
By Jennifer Bentson
First of all, What is a Jackalope??
A Jackalope is an American mythical creature combining a jackrabbit and antelope.
The result is a jackrabbit with antlers. A Jackalope is the epitome of American
Creativity and so is Jackalope Arts.
Leaping lizards and jumping Jackalopes, there was quite a bevy of American creativity busting out at the seams of the Jackalope Art fair in Pasadena on April 25 and 26th, 2015. From Broccoli Forests to Blue Boobys you were entertained and dazzled by wares you would rarely see in a store. And you could meet the artists who made the merchandise. These booths housed such unique items. I was enthralled to meet the artists and see their creations. No “made in China” stickers here.
Lynn Redmond,, is a fascinating artist. Originally a painter she slipped into pottery. Her favorite piece is that of a California quail which is our official state bird. But she tells the story of the Blue Booby Bird that is migrating into the state of California from the South. They are commonly seen on the Galapagos Islands. I looked up the Blue Booby on YouTube and saw that their feet are so blue and big! They really do exist.
Alvina Kwong,, is a young talented illustrator that just
finished illustrating an exciting book called the “Broccoli Chronicles”. Her delicate and
charming animal characters spark the child in us all. Alvina Kwong has a series of cards and posters that made me feel like I could jump into her world with just a glimpse. I imagined myself riding alongside the eskimo on the polar bear. Her favorite creations are animals, especially the polar bear.
Eliza Rose,, combines fresh (plants and flowers) and faux in her designs. Her booth at the fair featured wonderful scenes of succulents perched on pieces of driftwood with a dark candles embedded in this altar of California Zen. For this show, Eliza Rose combined her poetic pieces with Wild Well Supply Candles, These candles are so very unique and interesting. Yes, it is a candle in a rustic container, scented with unusual smells such as; whiskey and gunpowder; barnwood, apple and leather; coffee, bacon and maple syrup, just to mention a few. And, yes, I smelled them and was delighted by the fragrance combinations.
I rounded the corner of one of the many aisles and there it was… “The Glass Studio” owned by Cathi Milligan. Ever since I saw the fantastic glass work of Chihuly in Washington, I have had an urge to learn about glass art. The Glass Studio offers extensive classes right here in Los Angeles. The artwork that Cathi Milligan exhibited at Jackalope included lamp work beads, jewelry –too beautiful to describe, delicious glass tiles and trays. All of which you can learn how to make if you don’t want to buy them at Cathi’s studio. In addition to Cathi’s studio, she also publishes the NELAart News,, which features the Arts and Culture scene in the Northeast of Los Angeles.
“You are what you wear”, is a famous quote. So if you are really creative and want to punch up your style, then Brinko Ties,, is for you. I don’t even wear ties but I instantly wanted one of these. The ties, bowties, lapel or hat pins, and more are made and designed by Elizabeth Sutherlin. Why should Orville Redenbacher be the only one in the room with a bow tie? Support your local bowtie designer with one of these ties.
The jewelry designer, Zafiro,, presented the visitor to her booth with images of the pyramids, and primitive natural jewelry. The line of pyramid jewelry is so special with its lost wax construction for the metal. The stones set into the metal  are carved into the shape of a 4 sided pyramid or a natural shape. Zafiro, which is a translation of Sapphire, said that this is difficult to do, but it makes her rings so special. Her line of pyramids also includes solid metal rings that take you back to the Nile river in Egypt, where we imagine ourselves on a Barge with Mark Anthony using our cobra clad finger ring to touch the fine Egyptian Linen of his toga.
Oscar Morales,, works with his wife, Michelle Trayfoot-Morales to craft leather goods and jewelry. The merchandise is beautifully sewn and tailored in a sleek fashion. Oscar says that he makes all the merchandise himself and has a retail store on Eagle Rock Blvd., in Los Angeles. His collection includes many items that are designed to fit on a bicycle. So now, you can buy your bicycle a tasteful gift as well as a lovely purse for her.
Sable and Snow,, are two young women with a lot of creative cards. The designs are all original. I loved the one, “you are worth it”. Seth, has a special line of jewelry he makes from various metals. The process involves rolling the metal to a point of thinness where it looks like torn paper. He creates beautiful jewelry from this torn look. You can tell he is a master as his pieces are flawless in construction. If you want a very special piece of jewelry look at the collections online at his website. According to Seth, we are one of the 350 hand-selected artists this year! The 7th Unique LA holiday market is the largest made-in-America shopping event in country! And jewelry is the toughest category.
Jane Mohr designs and produces the line of clothes called Dress to Kill, . According to Jane, “I have searched the world to find the  most unique and luxurious fabrics to create an exciting collection of sophisticated “Wearable Art”.” Her clothes have a little something that makes them unique. The dress I photographed, has wire in the hem so you can form it into a rose, or other shape. This is clothing that is made for the creative artist in us all!

Alicia Gorecki,, was dressed from head to toe in paint and painter’s clothes. She created images of people’s pets on large canvas for all of us to see. Alicia Gorecki will take the photo of your dog or cat, and make it zing with her exciting palette and rendering. This is no ordinary image of your favorite pet. It is a portrait that captures the essence of those loving eyes and playful energy.

I was impressed with the quality of the arts and crafts at this fair. The fact that artists are juried into this event reflects the care and concern of the organizers. This is really a place for artists to showcase their wonderful masterpieces.
Featuring over 220 booths of arts and crafts of significant artists and craftsmen, Jackalope Arts is a real place for artists and crafters to show their wares to the public. The last Art and Craft Fair took place in the old town park on Fair Oaks, April 25 and 26th, 2015. There is still time to apply for a booth for the upcoming fair in November, 2015